
Teletalk Minute Offer 2024 | All Minute Bundle Package

Teletalk minute offer in 2024: All Teletalk minute bundle packages

Are you trying to reach updated info of the Teletalk minute offer in 2024? Then you have come to the right post. Telatalk minutes offer has various catalogs. Because of it gives us the lowest offers. Therefore, we always wanna purchase Teletalk offers. But from today you will not have to worry anymore. Because today I will talk about all Teletalk minute offers.

Teletalk is a government-approved mobile operator company in Bangladesh. You can do all the government work through this sim. It always helps people by providing affordable offers.

There are also types based on need. E.g. Teletalk Oporajita for women and Teletalk Bornomala for students. Some people find it in low network speed. But in the city area, it has fast network speed. It designs offers according to customers’ needs. 

With this info, I will accord you the best affordable all Teletalk minutes package.  Also, provide you with Teletalk Bornomala, agami, And Oporajita minutes bundle. Furthermore,  I will notify you about Teletalk recharge offers and code offers.

So keep reading the entire article to know the broad description of all Teletalk minutes offered. 

All Teletalk minute offer 2024

Recently, Teletalk updated their minute offers. They come with minute packages at a more reasonable price than the previous offers. These offers are stingy and effective. So you can talk with your beloved without any hassles. Now I will ascribe to you the latest Teletalk minute offer 2024.

When you think about purchasing a reasonable minute pack. Then you have to tolerate some problems. It wastes our valuable time and money. Considering my visitor’s problem, I collect the latest and stingy offers in a table. These offers are applicable for all Teletalk users ( Bornomala, Oporajita, agami). 

Let’s see Teletalk minute offer 2024:

Total minutes Price Activate code Validity
23 Minutes 14 Taka *111*14# 3 Days
53 Minutes 32 Taka *111*32# 5 Days
147 Minutes 86 Taka *111*86# 7 Days
477 Minutes 287 Taka *111*287# 30 Days

How can you activate the offers on your device:

You can activate those offers in two ways. To know to keep eyes on below:

  1. First, select an offer from the table. Next, open your phone dial pad. Then type the code. Now you will get an activation message. 
  2.  You can activate the offers through SMS. Think you wanna purchase a 23 minutes offer. So, you send a message to 111 types in message M14

Those are two ways you can purchase the offers on your phone. Let’s enjoy your time.

Teletalk minute offer list 2024

In this modern age, through technology, we can communicate with others easily. Because of this reason, we need to buy low-cost minutes offers. Considering our demand, Teletalk came up with low-minute offers. This is why Teletalk progressed so quickly. And the number of its subscribers is improving day by day.

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For my honorable visitors, I create an accomplished list of the Teletalk minute offer. With the list, you can achieve stingy packs and save time. 

From the chart, you will be eligible to purchase the pack of your choice. Build the table with cost, validity, and total minutes. 

Let’s check the Teletalk minutes offer in 2024:

Total minutes  Price Code Validity
143 Minutes 86 Taka *111*86# 07 Days
168 Minutes +

97 SMS

101 Taka *111*1010# 10 Days
477 Minutes 287 Taka *111*287# 30 Days
380 Minutes +

100 SMS + 1.5 GB

299 Taka *111*299# 30 Days

How can you purchase the offers on your device:

You can activate those offers in two ways. To know to keep eyes on below:

  • First, choose an offer and collect a code from the table. Next, open your phone dial pad. Then type the code. Now you will get an activation message. 
  • You can activate the offers through SMS. Think you wanna purchase a 143 minutes offer. So, you send a message to 111 types in message M86

Teletalk Minute Offer 2024

Teletalk minute offer check code Minipack:

Teletalk always comes up with offers considering its customers. So those who are interested in buying offers at very low prices. They have brought mini packs for their convenience. Today I also discuss the Teletalk minipack minute offer.

Teletalk minute offers are available in many ways. Few offers are applicable by code. Those packages each have a special code so you have to dial the code to purchase the offer. 

Teletalk minute offers are stingy and satisfying. If you have sufficient money you will be eligible to buy your offer anytime. Hence, I amass the latest Teletalk minute offer code in the article. From here you will know the total minutes, price, validity, and code.

Latest Teletalk minutes offer code 2024:

Teletalk 10 taka offer

By purchasing this pack you will get free SMS and internet. For mini lovers, it is the best offer. Below are the minipack details: 

  • Total minutes: 12 minutes.
  • Validity: 03 days.
  • Internet: 50 MB.
  • SMS: 15 SMS.
  • Cost: 10 Taka. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Activation code: *111*101#
  • Balance check: *125#.

Condition: Your account balance must have 10 Taka.

Teletalk 13 taka offer

It is another one for mini lovers. You also can buy this pack by recharge. You can purchase this offer at any time. Below are the minipack details: 

  • Total minutes: 42 minutes.
  • Validity: 02 days.
  • Cost: 13 Taka. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Activation code: *111*13#
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 13 taka. Also, you can purchase through bkash recharge. 
  • Balance check: *125#

Teletalk 44 taka offer

This is the last one for mini lovers. By purchasing this offer you get 100 minutes for 5 days. Below are the minipack details:

  • Total minutes: 100 minutes.
  • Validity: 05 days.
  • Cost: 44 Taka. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Activation code: *111*44#
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 44 Taka. 
  • Balance check: *125#

Teletalk Oporajita minute offer list:

Teletalk Oporajita all minute packs are only for women. Only Oporajita women can purchase these offers. Oporajita means women who don’t know how to lose, brave. Teletalk has introduced this SIM card to help them. Here we discuss three-minute packages of Oporajita. 

Teletalk Oporajita 25 minutes offer

This Oporajita offer is the best. You can buy 25 minutes, 15 SMS, and only 13 BDT for 02 days. Below are the pack details:

  • Total minutes: 25 minutes.
  • Validity: 02 days.
  • SMS: 15 message
  • Activate code: *111*13#
  • Cost: 13 Taka. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 13 takas. You also can purchase by recharge.

Teletalk Oporajita 80 minutes offer

Another best pack on Oporajita is only 44 BDT. With this pack, you get 44 SMS free for 05 days. Below are the pack details:

  • Total minutes: 80 minutes.
  • Validity: 05 days.
  • SMS: 44 message
  • Activate code: *111*80#
  • Cost: 44 Taka. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 44 Taka. You also can purchase by recharge.

Teletalk Oporajita 175 minutes offer

This is an amazing offer. You can use this offer for a long time. Also, get a bonus of 97 SMS. Below are the pack details:

  • Total minutes: 175 minutes.
  • Validity: 12 days.
  • SMS: 97 message
  • Activate code: *111*1010#
  • Cost: 97 takas. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 97 Taka. You also can purchase by recharge.

Teletalk Smile minute offer:

Teletalk always comes up with various offers to make its customers happy. One of them is the smile offered. In this offer minutes, internet, SMS are available at very low prices. Which makes customers very happy. That’s why customers call this offer a smile offered. 

Let’s see Smile minute offer 2024:

Total minutes Price Code Validity
12 Minutes +15 SMS+ 50 MB 10 Taka *111*101# 03 Days
59 Minutes + 50 SMS + 500MB 50 Taka *111*102# 05 Days
100 Minutes + 100 SMS + 1GB 100 Taka *111*103# 07 Days

Teletalk minute offer Bornomala:

Teletalk Bornomala packages are only for students. Teletalk operators make these offers considering students’ requirements. These offers are very helpful for students. Let’s know Teletalk Bornomala minute offer 2024:

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Teletalk Bornomala 25 minutes offer

This Bornomala offer is the greatest. You can buy 25 minutes for only 13 BDT to 01 days. Below are the pack details:

  • Total minutes: 25 minutes.
  • Price: 13 takas. ( with VAT, SD, and SC)
  • Validity: 01 days
  • Activate code: *111*13#
  • Balance check code: *125#
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 13 BDT.

Teletalk Bornomala 60 minutes offer

The offer is amazing. You can use this offer for a long time. Below are the offer details:

  • Total minutes: 60 minutes
  • Price: 44 takas. ( with VAT, SD and SC)
  • Validity: 05 days.
  • Activate code: *111*44#
  • Balance check code: *125#
  • Condition: Your account balance must have 44 BDT.

Teletalk minute offer Agami:

Teletalk wants to give the best sim for HSC GPA 5 students is agami. This sim is only for those students who got a GPA of 5 in HSC. The sim call rate will be 45 paisa/ min for 24 hours( with VAT, SD, and SC).

Teletalk check codes:

If you are a Teletalk user. You must know the Teletalk check codes. Check codes help you to know your balance data. To help you I will inform you of Teletalk check codes:

  • Balance check: *152#
  • Minutes check: *152#
  • Internet check: *152#


  • How can I check my Teletalk packages? 

Answer:  All Teletalk prepaid and postpaid users can check their packages by dialing USSD code *152#.

  • How can I purchase a Teletalk Oporajita minute offer?

Answer: To buy Teletalk Oporajita minute packages just dial *111* and follow their instructions. 


  • All packages may not available at present.
  • All packages for postpaid and prepaid users.
  • To purchase a code offer keep in mind your account balance. 

Ultimate thought: In the above article, you will know about All Teletalk minute offer 2024. Also, you will learn the best mini packs of Teletalk. Furthermore, you will know the latest minute offer codes and check codes. You may acquire these packages at any time.

Moreover, you will know Teletalk Bornomala, Oporijita, and Agami the best minute offers. That information about offers saves you huge money by submitting affordable packs.

I anticipate my above article will amuse my visitors. Also, you can broad knowledge about purchasing decent offers. And can make smooth communication with your relatives and friends. If you receive an advantage from this volume. Then don’t skip to share with your close buddies. ever arrive with your technology and educational update information. As results, solutions, job circular, job exam questions, routine, online income, all operator SIM offer, etc.

Do you have any questions after reading the content? Then just drop it below the comment box. To gather all updated data browse our site every day. 

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