
When Does MCC Island Come Out?

MCC Island is the official Minecraft Championship public server, which will allow the public players to get access to Minecraft Championship content. In other words, it’s a place where fans can interact with others and compete in various different games. With this being the first time fans will be able to take part in the various games and events themselves, many are wondering what the MCC Island release date is. In addition, you might be wondering how to sign up for the MCC Island beta, we’ve also got that covered here!

What Is the MCC Island Release Date?

Thanks to a tweet from the official MCC Island Twitter account, we now know that MCC Island 2024 is due to come ‘sooner than you think…’

Currently, however, there’s no word on exactly when ‘soon’ is, but as soon we know, we’ll update this post so you’ve got the full details.

What to Expect from MCC Island

MCC Island is currently rumored to be a Java server that will feature games that are similar to the actual Minecraft Championship events, but with some slight changes. What these changes have yet to be revealed.

Currently, Hole in the Wall, Sky Battle, TGTTOS, Ace Race, Sands of Time, and Meltdown are confirmed to be playable games.

Ace Race, Sands of Time and Meltdown, however, will not be playable when MCC Island launches later this year.

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Players will be able to play the game solo, but the main focus of MCC Island is for four teams of four to compete against one another. That being said, there will be no Decision Dome or Tournament format on the Island, but players will have a party system for the server that they can use to find fellow players.

MCC Island Logo
Logo from

How to Sign Up for MCC Island Beta

If you’re interested in signing up for the MCC Island Beta, all you have to do is head to the official MCCsignup website. Once here, just enter your email address and click sign up to register and receive updates about MCC Island.

This is a closed beta, and players will be randomly selected from the mailing list. Join now to reserve your spot in MCC Island ahead of time!

When Does the MCC Island Closed Beta Start?

As of right now, we know the MCC Island Closed Beta will begin in August. Check back later for the specific date!

That’s everything you need to know about when MCC Island comes out in 2024. For more on everything Minecraft, be sure to check out the links below. If you’re looking for more MCC content, we’ve got you covered, with a list of all Minecraft Championship Teams in 2024.

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