
What Did Gene and Kim Talk About on the Phone in Better Call Saul?


Calling her up again, just to break her like a promise.

The last few episodes of Better Call Saul are starting to seriously ramp up as we catapult to the series’ conclusion. And if you’re wondering exactly what Gene and Kim talked about on the phone in the episode titled “Breaking Bad”, here’s what you need to know.

Gene and Kim’s Phone Conversation in Better Call Saul

Near the start of the episode, we see Gene call up Kim after he learns that she asked Francesca about him. However, we don’t get to actually hear what they talk about, and we only see Gene getting increasing agitated as the phone call goes on. To that end, it’s not clear what the conversation entails, but we can certainly speculate.

At this point in the series, it’s been a few years since Jimmy has spoken to Kim. We’re assuming that they haven’t interacted since the big breakup, and Kim has since moved to Florida to start a new life for herself. After Heisenberg is unmasked and Saul is forced to go into hiding, he calls up Francesca a few weeks after to get a sense of what the situation is like. Francesca then tells him that Kim called her up to see how she was doing, and to ask if Jimmy is still alive.

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This information likely gives Gene a bit of hope, prompting him to act on impulse a little and call her up. The conversation clearly doesn’t go well, and it’s probably safe to assume that Kim told him that he shouldn’t be contacting her and asks him to either leave her alone and never call her again, or to turn himself in. Gene doesn’t take it well, and the phone call ends abruptly.

There are still two episodes to go in the series, and it’s possible that we might get to hear the full conversation in the next episode –similar to what the show did with Nacho’s phone call to Mike and Gus earlier in the season.

That’s all you need to know about what Gene and Kim talked about on the phone in Better Call Saul. Be sure to check out the rest of our Better Call Saul coverage, including our personality quiz to find out which BCS character you are.

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