
How to Repair Gimble’s Hot Air Balloon in Ooblets


Here’s how to repair Gimble’s hot air balloon in Ooblets.

There are plenty of little tasks for you to complete in Badgetown, and one of them is finally repairing Gimble’s hot air balloon so you can start traveling to different regions in Ooblets. Here’s how you can do that.

Repairing Gimble’s Hot Air Balloon in Ooblets

Gimble is located in the west side of town, and you’ll notice him standing next to a deflated hot air balloon when you’re out exploring. There is indeed a way to repair the balloon, but you might have to wait a little while.

In order to repair it, you’ll first need to complete three tasks for Mayor Tinstle. You can check your Tinstle tasks at the town hall, but the first three should be pretty easy to knock out. Once you’ve done so, a new Tinstle task will pop up, asking you to restore power to the Oobnet tower.

Head to the Oobnet tower on the northwest side of town, then challenge the Ooblets there to a dance battle and win. After doing so, you’ll unlock a new Tinstle task for repairing Gimble’s hot air balloon.

gimble's hot air balloon in ooblets

In order to do this, you’ll need the following materials: one Oobsidian, 20 Planklets, 12 Nurnies, and eight Clothlets. Deposit the materials into the collection box next to the hot air balloon, and you’re all good to go.

What the Hot Air Balloon Does

As you may have gathered from several context clues, repairing the hot air balloon allows you to travel to whole new regions in Ooblets. The first region is Mamoonia, which is a desert-like area with new seeds and Ooblets to collect.

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world map in ooblets

As you progress further through the story, you’ll eventually be able to use the hot air balloon to travel to even more different locations and collect new items. Because of this, it’s definitely recommended that you knock out this Tinstle task as soon as possible, just so you’ll have more gameplay options open to you.

That’s all you need to know about how to repair Gimble’s hot air balloon in Ooblets. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.

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