
How to pronounce ramen noodles

Is it pronounced ramen or raymen?

The Cambridge Dictionary supports the UK’s pronunciation of “rah-men.” Merriam Webster too claims the correct pronunciation is “rah-men.” To be 110% certain, I even checked Oxford Dictionaries, which pronounces also it “rah-men.” The question of how to pronounce ramen should no longer exist, because it is clearly “rah-

How do Japanese pronounce ramen?

The correct (Japanese) pronunciation is raah-men (accent on the first syllable, long ‘a’). You can hear ramen pronounced correctly in this short YouTube clip.

Is Ramen Japanese or Korean?

Ramen (/ˈrɑːmən/) (拉麺, ラーメン, rāmen, Japanese pronunciation: [ɾaꜜːmeɴ]) (literally: “pulled noodles”) is a Japanese noodle soup.

Is Korean ramen healthy?

A health study in US has found that excessive consumption of instant noodles by South Koreans was associated with risks for diabetes, heart disease or stroke. Instant noodles carry a broke college student aura in America, but they are an essential, even passionate, part of life for many in South Korea and across Asia.

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