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The national adoption day is celebrated to create awareness on adoption. A family brought together through adoption is beautiful and to celebrate this, every human being should join hands.

There are many children who are homeless and with no family. Giving life to such children is a heavenly deed as many believe. Raise awareness of the situation and try to inspire people on adoption.  Many children in foster care are waiting to get a family of their own.

The day is usually celebrated across the country on Saturday before Thanksgiving which is in November.  This day was supported by many non-profit organizations related to Children. The day is celebrated since 2000 and many children from foster care have been moved to loving families.

If you are one among those who care for foster care children and wish to inspire people on creating awareness on adoption, here are some great ideas you can share among people

Adoption is showing God’s love. Don’t miss the opportunity of celebrating it. Happy national adoption day.

Today is adoption day. Out of biology, getting a family is a great blessing!

Giving birth doesn’t make anyone a mother, but the love and care you give makes it. Happy adoption day.

A miracle can happen anytime! Adopting a child is what you call a miracle.

Motherhood is decided in heaven and adopted on the earth.

Adoption makes you great and special parents than any normal parents.

Take the risk of adoption and get away from the fear of no one loving foster care children.

Making a child grow in your heart and not in your tummy is called adoption.

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Sometimes it is worth to wait to have a blessing. Have a great adoption day.

Not from my flesh, not from my blood, but my own!

The adoption might take time, but love is instant.

Adopting a child is as wonderful and beautiful as you get it from any other way.

You may not resemble your parents, but you have their heart.

Anyone can say ‘I love you’, but proving it through adoption is what it means.

A family is not made by sharing blood, but with the one who gives you blood!

An alternative word for love is adoption.

A child’s world will change when you adopt it and for the world, it might not be a change.

Love always leads to great miracles. Happy adoption day.

A great way to build a family is adoption.

Life sometimes gives surprise gifts and adoption is one of them!

Don’t be ashamed of adopting a child. Inspire others. Happy adoption day!

Providing a safe and secure world is love. Be an inspiration on adoption day.

Every parenthood depends on love, not DNA. Celebrating adoption day.

Creating awareness of adoption is not sufficient. Be an example.

Having a home as well as family is a blessing.

A family is built not by genes but by love.

God has prepared my heart for adoption.

Let your kindness flood the world. Happy national adoption day.

No one expecting you to save the world, just save a child! National adoption day.

A hero is someone who brings happiness in a child’s life! A thought on adoption day.

Little things can matter in life, and a great step for adoption can mark your life!

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There are no unwanted children but only unfound families.

When you need, God gives you. Believe it happens when you adopt a child from foster care.

Adoption starts a new life and a new journey towards getting blessings.

Don’t bring a child in your family but take your family to the child.

Adoption is not easy but absolutely worth it.

A child can be someone’s joy and pride. Every child deserves it.

Before knowing you, we loved you even when we had the least hope.

The process of adoption may be long and hard. But the joy is endless.

Let every child learn that they are wanted and loved by all.

Adoption is a promise and commitment to God. Happy adoption day.

We might not know the starting of a child, but we definitely know the ending!

God knew we need you to build a beautiful family. Wishing everyone a happy adoption day.

Adoption is a beautiful thing and ours is my favorite!

A child when gets a license to be a child of a family, the happiness overflows in the family!

Every child in the foster care waits for a Superman who takes it to a loving family.

Make your adoption official. Bring joy into your life as well as the into the child’s life.

No child wants to be live as an orphan. Create awareness of adoption.

God says, whoever brings a child in my name, he welcomes me!

Giving birth is an act by nature, adopting is an act of God.

about adoption day

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